A Few Less-Noted Trends in Online Marketing Unveiled for You

What comes to your mind while thinking of online marketing? Most of the business owners are aware of SEO and social media marketing etc., and majority of the online marketers too won’t introduce you into much deeper concepts. However, online marketing is an ocean of ever-changing strategies and techniques.

Online Marketing

You may not be able to master all, but having a fair understanding of the most relevant techniques to your industry may help you better survive in the highly competitive online market. Here, we will discuss a few latest online marketing trends, which are not so commonly discussed at other places. Here we go,

  1. Adapting to Ad blockers

As Apple released iOS 9 back in 2015, marketers were in disaster as they simultaneously introduced content blockers in Safari. With more than 200 million people across the globe using ad blockers, the marketers need to think much innovative to find ways to get adapted to ad blocking as to incorporating native advertising and initiating partnership strategies for typical search and display techniques etc.

  1. Leveraging wearable technology

With an expected US$54 billion revenue generated from wearable devices by year 2019, online marketers should have a keen eye on leveraging this for best benefits. Fitbit is still the leading brand in wearable technology market, but Apple and Chinese brand Xiaomi are also gaining in momentum to pose a tight competition. The marketers outside wearable technology industry too need to look for a possible integration, sponsorship, or partner apps to take advantage of this direct physical connection with potential consumers.

  1. Marketing and sales coming together at last

There was a clear top-of-funnel line separating marketing from sales throughout these times, but the changing tools and innovations make the marketers to actively contribute to sales throughout the funnel. Marketing teams can now generating customised emails and quotes to the clients with the help of CRM tools. Everything becomes data-driven and marketing efficiency hand-in-hand with complex sales cycles can ensure these all-in-one teams to be well prepared with customer data and pitch in rightly to close deals.

  1. Content is changing face

Content marketing is there for long and it has been a key aspect of the online marketing industry. However, until recent times, content marketing was all about maintaining a strict content calendar and frequent blog updates; but content marketing of the new age seems a bit different. You can see how Facebook Instant Articles came up in 2015 changed the reading experience to users by loading needed articles right at the app. Twitter and Google too line up now in the publishing train by promising similar features. These changes will force the content creators too to think in this line and see who actually owns their content and how to use it for measuring success.

  1. Native ads

Native advertising was one among the top online marketing trend for the last couple of years, and this trend continues. The ability of native ads to effectively engage audience without the stigma of standing-apart ads is irresistible to marketers.

  1. Relationship marketing

While majority of the businesses were doing namesake relationship marketing previously, things will change. The online reviews are mighty enough to do good or harm to any businesses than the hefty ad campaigns, so nurturing a good relationship with the existing customers and taking its leverage online becomes critical.

Take all these into consideration while weaving your online marketing strategies for future. The competition is too tight and trailing even by milliseconds can pull you out from the picture.