Top 5 Web Design Trends for Website Makers to Consider in Year 2016

Every year comes with a lot of new trends, which is more so in case of web designing. We have seen a lot of new techniques rising and booming back in 2015, and much of this kind is expected in 2016 too. Some basic trends are vertical patterns, more video content, material design interfaces, and sliding style sites gaining in popularity.

If you are planning to develop a new site or to upgrade the existing one, one need to be aware of these upcoming trends. Following it will help you to gain more consumer attention and also be on top in the search engine results and traffic. Here, let’s see the top 5 upcoming web design trends of 2016.

Top design trends of 2016

  • Scrolling and vertical patterns

As mobile internet traffic is expected to surpass desktop traffic this year, web design is getting a step closer to being mobile-friendly. More sites are designed now with vertical user flows. Scrolling-type designs made a roaring come back last year even when the tech experts predicted the end of scrolling a couple of years back itself.

Scrolling is now a vital interaction tool as smaller mobile screens lead the users to scroll more. It also demands the designers to make friendlier user interfaces, which are mostly vertical in nature.

  • Card-style interface

One of the major element emerged from material design concept was card-style interfaces. Now, these are there everywhere, ranging from apps to websites and printed materials. Cards are so easy and fun to create, and keeps information well organised in containers that make web design more user-friendly. Another advantage of this design concept is that it can seamlessly work across devices of various screen sizes as cards can flexibly stack across the screen in various forms.

  • Video headers

You can expect more movie-type websites this year. The higher speed of internet now makes video playback a breeze, which will prompt the websites to have more interactive video contents. This shift is largely happening in B2C sites now, where text is considered as standard, and videos engage the consumers more effectively. Clips are now changed from small snippets to full-length videos. The images too became much sharper and crisper with HD technology.

  • Tiny animations

Animation had been one among the major trends of 2015 too, which is becoming more succinct in 2016. Featuring hero-style animations, which prevails in a site design, too little divots, moving elements are there everywhere. Along with growing in popularity, you can also notice that the animations are decreasing in size. The animated elements in the UI is a fun way to engage users like giving them something to enjoy while waiting for the content to load or to get a surprise element.

  • Effective interactions

Going along well with animation is interaction. Acting intelligently within web interfaces and apps, interactions work to create successful links between the users and devices. Excellent interactions are always small or micro in nature, but aimed to provide some value to the users. From a tiny text message popping up to an alarm to remind something, effective interactions can shape the way how people interact successfully with devices.

Above mentioned is not a comprehensive list of web design trends, but you can take it as the baseline to do a more research and identify and diversify your options to design an engaging and successful website in 2016.