5 Latest Internet Marketing Trends to Watch out in 2016

The first quarter of 2016 is already over, and the picture is now much clearer about where the internet marketing is heading. 2015 had witnessed a tremendous advancement in this sector and 2016 too will follow the suit. If you are an online marketing expert, it is essential to know above the most changing trends.

Here at ADEL SEO (Adelaide SEO company), we will discuss a few clearing up internet marketing trends of 2016, which you can ponder to devise your strategies.

  1. Brand videos are back on top

Over the past couple of years, we have seen an enormous consumer shift to social media, which caused many brands to cut short their video resources to make it lightweight to be viewed in tiny attention spans. However, the trend is changing and brands are now investing more on making;

  • Extended-length videos
  • Short films
  • Animation videos
  • Informative videos etc., which are highly admired by the viewers.

However, when it comes to promotions, offering high-quality and highly informative content to the consumers is the key.

  1. Visual assets to drive e-com

It remains undisputed that strong visuals are inevitable in creating a meaningful engagement on internet. However, in 2016, what we are going to see is that the visual assets may start contributing higher means than just engagement, they will initiate online purchases.

“A study shows that about 77% of the new-age marketers are pressured to prove their ROI on visual content, yet only less than 10% check out whether their current visuals actually work or not”

More than 70% of the marketers who participated in the above study were also sceptical about showing how the visuals contribute to their online revenue. However, with more reliable revenue‑tracking mechanisms to see how much each aspects of online marketing generate, this problem will be resolved soon.

  1. Internet of things

Not just the smart phone, but even your LED lamp switch is now connected to internet. Internet of Things has now become an ubiquitous term and more than 60% of the service firms now use customised apps to communicate with and engage customers.

Even when such a shift happens with IoT, hardly about 20% companies only implemented any sort of location sensors or product-based sensors to collect relevant customer data. This also may largely change in 2016, and we can see the potential magic of IoT in online marketing this year.

  1. Influencer marketing

More than just a picture being shown to promote the product, celebrities are now paid largely for social media posts to promote a brand or product. The identified celebrity influencers across the globe now have social media accounts with millions of followers across multiple social networks. A six-figure partnership with a top-rated celebrity may be out of reach for small to medium business; however, the influencer trend exists at all levels.

  1. Next-gen social

It is not down just to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but a wide range of new‑generation social media platforms also popping up. These create a new niche of audience and also offer marketers to leverage the latest technology. Say for example, messaging apps are becoming the latest trend in social communication.

These are just to a few to count on, but online marketing is rapidly changing day by day, which makes it mandatory for you to keep upgrading your knowledge base to stay ahead.